To enhance our programming and to introduce an element of surprise and wonder, we feature an 'Artist of the Month'. Our first artist is Andy Warhol, who was born on August 6th, 1928.
We dedicate one of our wall panels to this theme and decorate it with a short biography, quotations and reproductions from calendars and internet sources. The public library provides colorful books and catalogues, which we display on a table nearby. We design an easy coloring activity with a coloring page that features Marilyn Monroe in a pose reminiscent
of Andy Warhol's work.
And 'voila!', a mini museum is born at our center.For the month of September we choose Grandma Moses, because of her self taught charm and the potential to inspire the late-blooming artist in all of us. Once again, the public library sends the biographies and colorful picture books to a nearby branch, and with today's internet library catalogues, picking the right publications is done in a cinch. With Grandma Moses' work, looking at the paintings, naming and remembering landscapes, houses and farms is a delightful activity.
The artists are chosen from handy website, where the birthdays of a number of famous American and international painters and sculptors are listed:
What a beautiful picture! Readers of the blog would think these are real Andy Warhol's masterpieces!