Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Stress Relief

No job is easy. Even food critics encounter a dish that may be dismal in appearance and equally depressing in taste. Custodial workers have to endure physical exhaustion while public school teachers facing overcrowded classrooms strive to teach the curriculum. Although I cherish and love my job, I believe we cannot be like the Energizer Bunny and keep going and going. The body and the mind needs a break.
Work for me does not stop when I clock out. At home, I often recollect about the activities and the clients. There are too many questions... What should we do tomorrow? How would the clients like it? Which client is appropriate for the activity? Although you may not be about to refrain from thinking about work, always provide an outlet if you are feeling stressed out.
Working out is always good. A combination of good music and moving the body helps me reduce the stress. Walk your pet. Dance. Do yoga. Or even walk to the laundry mat and wash your clothes. Even if you are still stressed, at least you will have fresh, clean clothes. I think even sitting still and just meditating or napping can be relaxing. Doing nothing is sometimes the best option.
Sometimes work is mentally draining and emotionally challenging. We love out clients but they can require a great deal of attention and care. As an activity assistant, I learn my responsibilities are not limited to what is written on my contract. We have to be counselors, dietitians, entertainers, nurses, and friends. There are many tough days and there needs to be an outlet. Find someone who you can talk to. BE CAREFUL! The key word here is CONFIDENTIALITY. Finding someone to confide is wonderful but there are things you cannot reveal, most importantly names. Depending on where you work, there are certain information that are private.
Work will always be there. I know I think about work too much but to bring me back to sanity, I do many things that relaxes the body and makes me happy. If I do not want to do dishes, I buy take out. If I want to talk to someone, I have wonderful co-workers and close friends. Stress relief, we all need it.

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